The Tilery’s memory needs vary greatly with the way you use it. Large tiles use more memory than small ones; color uses more than black and white; and every tile needs some of its own. The Tilery should have about 30K free memory during normal use. That leaves room for times when you have more open applications than usual, and for when you use features that use extra memory temporarily. The Tilery’s tile menu will show you how much free memory it has. (See Application Tile Menus for details.) If the free memory is more than 30K, you can probably reduce The Tilery’s memory size by the difference. If it’s less, or if you are getting low-memory warnings from The Tilery, you should definitely give The Tilery more memory. To change The Tilery’s memory allocation: 1. Quit from The Tilery. 2. Select The Tilery in a Finder   window. 3. Choose Get Info from the   Finder’s File menu. The Tilery   Info window will appear. 4. Change the number in the   Preferred Size box. 5. Close The Tilery Info window,   and restart The Tilery.